Thoughts after 10 years

Every day I meet many people of all ages that are interested in studying English or must study English. They vary from children in kindergartens or nursery schools to students in Universities and retirees in their 60’s or 70’s. I have been teaching English for more than 10 years and I am still learning many things about how to approach students, try to connect with them, keep them interested in the lesson, help them express their ideas and enjoy speaking English. Before every lesson I  remember my students, think about their likes and dislikes and then I can start preparing the lesson plan. I always start by reviewing previous lessons. With the...



Hi! This is Mihai from Smile English School in Aomori! English follows↓ お元気でしたか? 僕は英語を教えたり、家族や友達と楽しい時間を過ごしたり、そして好きな趣味を大好きな青森で楽しみました。 2020年~2021年のカレンダーを皆さんに送りたいと思います。 緑の所は受講日です。 皆さんの笑顔を見ることを楽しみにしています。 宜しくお願いします。 How have you been? I have been busy with teaching English, spending time with my family& friends and enjoying my hobbies here in Aomori. Hoping everyone is OK, I would like to share with you the new schedule for the new scholar year that is just around the corner. Green days are for lessons. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon! All the best, Mihai Apostu 🙂 P.S. Remember to smile. ダウンロードした方はカレンダーをリンクを押して、プリントしてから見やすい所に置きましょう。 If you would like to download the new calendar click on it, print it and hang it somewhere easy to see....